AmigaActive (392/2143)

Date:5 May 2000 at 11:31:15
Subject:Re: i love ya


>> hehe, my work is getting infected by this stupid new ILOVEYOU virus, I've

>> just saved it to a test file, and its a crappy VBScript file... doesn't do

>> much
>Not so crappy according to the papers.

Yes, the papers, they'll make something, anything sound good. The fact is;
okay so it's a virus, and a nasty blighter as well, but virus's aren't new...

The papers (at least in the UK) would have Joe public believe that the Internet
is a Paedophile's hang-out.... Yeah right...

One word: Hype. :) Yes I acknowledge it's bad but it's hardly the end of the

What made me laugh was that the Pentagon was infected by it; and the Pentagon
used to house ARPA (or DARPA as it's now known) - so the place where the ARAPNet/Internet
got its original go-ahead funding has been infected by its brain child (the
Internet) - isn't that nice of the 'net community.

"Thanks for the 'net guys - have this! Bwaaaah ha ha haa haaaa"... :)


I wonder if the old BBN will get infected too ;)

All the best,

Nick Lamburn.
/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
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\\\/// Nick Lamburn
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